Just Another Geek Site | September 29, 2013
NuGuard KX Case Review for iPhone 5s
NewerTech Media Coverage
They had me at the infographic. And I normally don't care for infographics. Numbers 9 and 5 were my favorites. I figured with this kind of humor, I had to try the case they were recommending.
I was send a NuGuard KX in red to review. When friends saw it the other night, they commented on it being quite low profile. And it is. It's not shiny or blingy, but very subtle. It's a semi-rigid case, which I like a lot. That means it's very easy to get on and off. Unless you want to use your Olloclip, I can think of no reason you would want to remove the NuGuard KX.
The docking port is accessible, and the openings for dock, headphone, and speakers are large, but deep.
I had no problem with any of my lightning cables, OEM or aftermarket, and my headphones with the goofy right angle plugged in just fine. No adapter needed!
The mute switch is accessible, and the volume buttons are covered. The alignment is perfect, so it's really easy to adjust the volume. The power button on top is also covered, and equally easy to press when you want to power down or reset.
The opening for the camera is wide, and perfect for the new flash on the iPhone 5s.
The sides come up just high enough to provide protection to your screen should you place your phone face down, without impeding any swiping. The overall protection is fascinating, and I was impressed by the feel of the inside of the case. There is no way this case will scratch the back of your iPhone. The “KX” in the name actually stands for Kinetic Energy X-orbing, and is military drop tested. According to their website:
"Unlike common military-impact test grade iPhone® case materials, the NuGuard KX uses state-of-the-art X-Orbing gel technology to absorb and evenly distribute kinetic energy. This revolutionary technology is then engineered into an effective one-piece design that's available in eight attractive color combinations."
They even have a cute video of their drop tests.
The NuGuard comes in a wide variety of colors ranging from “Roulette Red” to “Buzz” (a happy bumblebee yellow bezel), and five other color combinations. They are available for the iPhone 4/4s and 5/5s for $29 from OWC, with a 30 day money back guarantee. This is a great price for something that is so minimal in bulk, yet so protective.
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