Newer Technology sent me a NuVue Clear iPad screen protector. Knock on wood we haven't had any screens scratched yet, but the iPads do get a lot of love from the 1st and 2nd grade students so a screen protector certainly seems like a great idea!
The installation directions were very specific. They seemed a little scary because there were several dos and don'ts; I was afraid I was going to mess up and end up with lint and/or bubbles. However, the protector went on with no trouble.
A big benefit I've noticed after having it on the iPad for several weeks is the reduction in fingerprints. Our iPads are out and in use most of the day and students use them without always thinking about any dirt/grease that might be on their fingers. The protector keeps the screen cleaner and when holding the iPad in the light at just the right angle there are clearly fewer fingerprints to distract from what is on the iPad.
Fingers slide over the surface easily.